WRAP is an hour long interactive facilitated workshop centred on a DVD, aimed at frontline staff. The work-shop aims to give them:
An awareness and understanding of the Prevent agenda and their role within it.
The ability to recognise potentially vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of radicalisation.
The ability to share concerns leading to a common sense based response to support and intervene with vulnerable people.
Receive a clear picture of the risks and threats both nationally and at a local level
Develop knowledge and confidence to discuss grievances
Gain a raised awareness of the key issues and how these can be tackled by all agencies to keep Der-byshire safe and prevent terrorist activity
Increase your agency's capacity to prevent violent extremism.
Contact details:
2 Marsham Street
6th Floor Peel Building
London SW1P 4DF
United Kingdom
Matthew Batten
WRAP (Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent) Policy Lead
Email: WRAP@homeoffice.x.gsi.gov.uk
Alternative contacts:
Karen Martin or Olivia Flaherty
Tel: 0207 035 0236
Tel: 0207 035 8005
Tel: 0207 035 6980