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Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent (WRAP)

Education and training Existing trainings


WRAP is an hour long interactive facilitated workshop centred on a DVD, aimed at frontline staff. The work-shop aims to give them:

  • An awareness and understanding of the Prevent agenda and their role within it.
  • The ability to recognise potentially vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of radicalisation.
  • The ability to share concerns leading to a common sense based response to support and intervene with vulnerable people.
  • Receive a clear picture of the risks and threats both nationally and at a local level
  • Develop knowledge and confidence to discuss grievances
  • Gain a raised awareness of the key issues and how these can be tackled by all agencies to keep Der-byshire safe and prevent terrorist activity
  • Increase your agency's capacity to prevent violent extremism.

Contact details:

2 Marsham Street
6th Floor Peel Building
London SW1P 4DF
United Kingdom

Matthew Batten
WRAP (Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent) Policy Lead

Alternative contacts:
Karen Martin or Olivia Flaherty
Tel: 0207 035 0236
Tel: 0207 035 8005
Tel: 0207 035 6980