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Fair Skills - youth cultural peer training

Best practice Exit strategies

The “Fair Skills”-practice (FS) reaches out to young people from various at-risk communities in Berlin, brings them together in one external facility and trains them as youth-cultural workshop facilitators in a peer-learning setting (three one-week workshops). These peer-facilitators then go back to their communities and form Fair Skill youth teams and give workshops themselves, while being coached by CI’s FS team. In their home communities the FS peer facilitators will be assisted by local development round tables in which CI brings together local and national stakeholders to raise awareness of the project, its objectives and look for possibilities of community support.

The “Fair Skills”-method combines (i) facilitated peer-learning in youth-cultural activities with respective ex-perts (e.g. in Rap/Slam Poetry, Breakdance, Skateboarding, Comic/Graffiti/Visual Design, DJ-ing, Digital Music Production, and others) with (ii) exercises from civic education/pedagogical anti-bias and mediation, and (iii) adds psychologically based self-awareness group-work. Hence, ‘(Youth-)Cultures’ are employed in a way that has ‘Interactive’, preventive, and de-radicalising/rehabilitative impact with difficult to address groups of young people who are at risk of turning away from the school system and from mainstream society altogether. In this way FS systematically supports participants’ emotional intelligence, social skills as well as biographical and political awareness and delivers specific non-violence and mediation methods, enabling the young people to informally promote civil society values and skills in their communities. From 2015 on FS will be piloted in Eastern European states (CZ, HU, SK) in the ISEC project “European Fair Skills – De-radicalisation Training for Peer Role Models and Youth Workers” (EFS).

Contact details:

Cultures Interactive e.V.
Mainzer Str. 11
12053 Berlin

Anika Posselius

Harald Weilnböck

Oliver Kossack

Silke Baer

Tel: (+49) 30 60401950
Tel: (+49) 30 76236862