Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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EUISA - European Union of Independent Students and Academics

Best practice Community engagement and empowerment

EUISA is an European Organisation based in Austria and Germany and a member of RAN Radicalisation Awarness Network. EUISA is an umbrella organisation and network of the following independent organisa-tions in Austria and Germany: „Österreichische SchülerInnen und StudentInnen Union“ (ÖSSU, Union of Austrian Pupils and Students), „Ägyptisch-Österreichische Jugend“ (ÄÖJ, Egyptian-Austrian Youth), „Rat Muslimischer Studierender und AkademikerInnen (RAMSA, Council of Muslim Students and Academics Germany), Muslim Jewish Conference National (MJCN Austria and Germany) and Global Muslim Jewish Friendship Forum (GMJFF), „Muslimisches Kompetenzzentrum (MKZ Germany), „Türkische StudentInnen Union“ (TSÖ, Union of Turkish Students). The network is the result of associating similar independent organ-isations, with the same goals and activities based on social cohesion, mutual understanding, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, Muslim Jewish dialogue and social cohesion, prevention and deradicalisation.

EUISA’s practitioners conduct prevention and deradicalisation work within local schools, youth clubs, peda-gogues, police officers, churches, mosques and the community voluntarily. They come from a variety of professional backgrounds and mostly invest their free time in order to conduct various projects. The projects are aimed at for example creating social cohesion and mutual understanding, striving for empathy among perpetrators and victims as well as stimulating awareness of anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia.

A particularly promising aspect might be that EUISA is reacting and taking part in online discussions, dealing with anti-Semitism, racism, radicalism and inhuman ideologies.

Contact details:

Moussa Al-Hassan Diaw