Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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Delta is a community multi-media exercise developed by Somali community groups for the Somali community in the United Kingdom. Delta follows Saeed, a young Somali boy who grows up in a Western society and is faced with the dilemmas of a diaspora society trying to come to terms with integration and inclusion, whilst retaining their cultural values. The exercise allows members of the Somalia diaspora to discuss the issues faced by Saeed and come up with practical solutions that can support other young people to build personal resilience against extremist ideology. The exercise also highlights the positive contribution already made by the Somali community in the UK.

Contact details:

NCTPHQ Prevent, 8th Floor
10 Victoria Street
London, SW1H 0NN
United Kingdom