Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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West London Initiative

Best practice Educating young people

West London Initiative (WLI) is in an NGO that works in first-line deradicalisation with local young people at-risk of developing extremist beliefs based upon erroneous understandings that are propagated by extremist ideologues. The focus is towards the targeted clientele of converts, second and third generation Muslims born and brought up in the UK including those from other countries and their families.

WLI's clients also include gang membership, antisocial behaviour, substance misuse, emotional wellbeing difficulties and family issues.

WLI works in inner-city Areas; it is primarily aimed at young Muslim youths in West London communities. WLI's approach is grass roots and non-judgemental. The NGO identifies the dilemmas faced by the youth community through interaction within debates, safer platform or workshop discussions and aims to deliver intervention methods which educate, empower, build resilience and promote participation in civic society.

WLI is staffed both by individuals coming from similar backgrounds to its target audience (former members of violent extremist organisations/criminal gangs) and skilled and experienced practitioners. WLI's work contains the direct and indirect targeting of members of other organisations who directly or indirectly promote or entice others towards acts of violence in the name of race, religion, colour, creed etc. WLI also works in conjunction with various Muslim/non- Muslim youth organisations, mosques and Islamic centres as well as with local authorities, schools, colleges, the civil service, embassies and international delegations.

A particularly promising aspect of the work of WLI is the development of a profile matching scale, which identifies those who may be susceptible to radicalisation.

Currently WLI is working on an innovative programme to provide support to inmates' post release whereby short term accommodation; training and educational programmes will be offered to reintroduce ex-offenders back into communities.

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