Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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The intention of the project MAXIME Berlin Intercultural and Interreligious Prevention is to prevent (further) disintegration and radicalisation of vulnerable youth, to support multipliers to recognize radicalized attitudes and to deal with such, to establish an ability of interreligious and intercultural dialogue and to reduce prejudices and fears in the majority society.

Approach : within schools and in the youth welfare service the frequency of interreligious and intercultural conflicts is increasing. The preventive community programme offers workshops – conducted by intercultural respectively interreligious tandem teams - who pick up topics such as the theological base of Islam, religious everyday practice, Islam and human rights and the Middle East conflict.

Other topics are:

  • traditionalism and concepts of honour as well as gender roles in Islam 
  • opportunities of participation in the German society
  • different currents of Islam and their cultural and historical backgrounds
  • religious fanaticism and Salafism

Furthermore, organised field trips to the Jewish Museum, the Genezareth Church and the Sehitlik Mosque in Berlin are offered. Besides this, the programme includes training for multipliers and individual trainings for youth at risk.

Contact details:

Alt-Moabit 73
D – 10555, Berlin

Chalid Durmosch
Project staff
Tel: (+49) 30 91 70 54 64