Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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The "Action Plan for Inclusion and Diversity”

Best practice Welcoming and social integration

Bergen has adopted a number of initiatives which demonstrate its commitment to the intercultural approach. The city council has formally adopted a public statement in as an Intercultural city. The local government has designed an integration strategy with intercultural elements and has developed an integration action plan to put it in practice. An evaluation process for the integration strategy has been planned. Bergen’s official webpage includes the Action Plan for Inclusion and Diversity. The city also provides a diversity award as a mean of acknowledging local services that have succeeded in this field. Bergen is seriously thinking about a dedicated cross-departmental co-ordination structure for its integration strategy. Bergen has not allocated a budget for integration, as it has been considered as a cross-cutting field. The different fields which are affected by the topic amend their budget to achieve the goals in the course of integration. Furthermore, some services related to migrant integration as the Introduction Centre for Refugees and the Centre for Learning Norwegian are funded by State grants.