A toolkit for local authorities
Social Inclusion Committee
Maren Lambrecht-Feigl
Mail : maren.lambrecht@coe.int
There is little to suggest that Neukölln is a place with immediate inter-ethnic tensions. However, there is great concern that violence is becoming increasingly prevalent particularly amongst young people, and this might – if not handled well – also develop an ethnic complexion. The work being undertaken to address this is impressive, for example the opening of a neighbourhood conflict mediation centre in Richardplatz; the theatre project ‘Good daughters – good sons’ designed to get young people to understand how conflicts can start. Office "Citizens help citizens", Berlin Neukölln. A Turkish and an Arabic association offer a lower threshold advisory service in the respective mother tongue for five days of the week in the Town Hall of Neukölln. Especially for older migrants, who have difficulties in learning the German language, this is a highly demanded service.