Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Current Affairs Committee

Sedef Cankoçak

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Implementing public policies to take advantage of diversity

Best practice Communication and anti-rumour campaigns

Bergen’s local authority has implemented several good governance policies. The City passed its first comprehensive action plan for integration, Diversity brings Possibilities (Mangfold gir muligheter) in 1998. In particular it made provision for the establishment of an Introduction Centre for refugees, courses for municipal employees in intercultural relations, and specialized work qualification and Norwegian language courses. In 2007 City of Bergen approved a new action plan for integration – Integration is Everybody’s Responsibility (Integrering er alles ansvar). It built upon the plan from 1998 and, as the title suggests, was emphasizing the responsibility of all parts of the municipal organization. The city has an independent council to represent all ethnic minorities at regional level (the city of Bergen means the 60% of the Hordaland county population), the Kontaktutvalget mellom innvandrere go styresmakter i Hordaland (Contact committee between immigrants and authorities in the Hordaland County). Regularly, Bergen city council promotes initiatives to encourage migrants/minorities to engage in political life. Before every election there is a campaign to encourage people from migrant background to participate. The city works with migrant communities to inform them about their rights and the election. There are also debates with leading politicians on topics chosen by migrant organisations. The ethnic background of elected politicians does not yet reflect the composition of the city population. Newcomers are eligible to vote in local election after three years or residence or less. The challenge is to encourage recent migrants to engage in political life, parties and institutions.