Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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Freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society - Recommendation 2080 (2015)

Legal resources Council of Europe Declarations and Parliamentary Assembly texts

The Parliamentary Assembly, referring to its Resolution 2076 (2015) on freedom of religion and living together in a democratic society, and drawing attention to its Recommendation 1962 (2011) on the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue and Recommendation 1975 (2011) on living together in 21st-century Europe: follow-up to the report of the Group of Eminent Persons of the Council of Europe, reiterates its support for an integrated approach to issues relating to “living together” and refers to the numerous proposals that those texts contain, not all of which have been followed by practical measures.