A toolkit for local authorities
Social Inclusion Committee
Maren Lambrecht-Feigl
Mail : maren.lambrecht@coe.int
The primary goal of the Expert Center on Gender and Right-Wing Extremism is to look at right-wing extremism from a gender perspective and achieve gender-sensitive approaches in all strategies and actions to pre-vent right-wing extremism. Right-wing extremism continues to be perceived as predominantly a “male problem”. This is highly problematic, as it hinders an accurate perspective on the power, influence and activities of right-wing women in Germany and therefore impedes the development of effective counter-strategies to deal with them.
The general level of awareness concerning the racist, anti-Semitic and radical attitudes of girls and women in German civil society, in social work and education, in the media, as well as in local government is very low. The Expert Center trains and works together with kindergarten teachers, youth clubs, community centers, journalists and scientific associations of social work and education departments on how to implement a gender-sensitive approach and in order to help them to implement “democratic principles” for their institutions.
Contact details:
Fachstelle Gender und Rechtsextremismus
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung
Linienstraße 139
10115 Berlin Germany
Heike Radvan
Tel: (+49) 30 240 886 12