Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

Mail :

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CoPPRa is a project funded by the European Union with co-funding from the Belgian Federal Police, which aims to improve the capacity of first line police officers to prevent radicalisation. It rests on the assumption that regular first line police officers – community police officers – have an important role to play in preventing radicalisation; working in the field, understanding their local communities, and tending to have good community links. However, such police officers do not always have a good understanding of radicalisation, how to recognize the warning signs, or understand what to do in response. This project has aimed to help plug those gaps through the spread of knowledge and training.

Contact details:
Brussels National Airport
1930 Zaventem Belgium

Jean-Pierre Devos

Tel: (+32) 2 709 66 18
Tel: (+32) 471 73 00 32 (mobile phone)