A toolkit for local authorities
Social Inclusion Committee
Maren Lambrecht-Feigl
Mail : maren.lambrecht@coe.int
One day training Basic Radicalisation and Terrorism (police and security partners). This training, also suita-ble in a multidisciplinary setting (police, civil authorities and social or school workers), describes and ad-dresses:
One day training Advanced Radicalisation and Terrorism (law enforcement only e.g. police information and (covert) intelligence officers). This training describes, addresses and discusses:
One day training Attack Analysis (law enforcement only e.g. specialised police units Police VIP and SWAT teams)
This training is about attack dynamics: what happens before, during and after a (terrorist, criminal or lone- wolf) attack? How to recognise different attack types and what to do to minimise attack risk? This training is based on a detailed analysis of 20 different activist, individual or terrorist attacks.
One day training Potentially Violent Lone Actors (is part of a new training for police officers dealing with ad-ministrative and control procedures in relation with shooting clubs)
This training describes the lone actor phenomena, such as definitions, different types of lone actors, e.g. lone wolves and school shooters. In terms of theoretical framework the pathway to intended violence is a central element in the training, as are methods of detection based on individual and operational indicators. Pro-active intervention methods are also discussed.
Two days training Identifying Criminal and Terrorist Behaviour (Spotters training for police and security officers)
This training teaches police officers how to detect behaviour that is considered to be typical for criminals, attackers or terrorists. The intense two day training is a combination of theory and a lot of practical training exercises in the public domain.
Contact details:
Arnhemseweg 348
7334 AC, Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
Koos Barten, Chief Inspector of Police School for Criminal Investigation Team Intelligence
Tel: (+31) (0)55 5392000 (ask for Koos Barten)