Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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Community engagement and empowerment

Best practice

Active Change Foundation

The Active Change Foundation (ACF) is an NGO that was set up to deal with serious violence such as gangs, violent extremism and hate crime. The... [Read more]

Co-operation Ireland (Colre)

Co-operation Ireland (CoIre) is an NGO that works to sustain peace on the island of Ireland by helping to build a shared and cohesive society,... [Read more]

Foresee Research Group Non-profit Ltd.

Foresee Research Group (FORESEE) is an NGO that works in consultancy, prevention, intervention and network building in the field of constructive... [Read more]

Cultures Interactive e.V. (CI)

Cultures Interactive (CI) is an NGO that works both in local prevention and first-line deradicalisation with at-risk young people that are... [Read more]


Eruditio Publica (EP) is an NGO that is in the process of preparing prevention approaches towards radicali-sation and hate crime. EP is presently... [Read more]

EUISA - European Union of Independent Students and Academics

EUISA is an European Organisation based in Austria and Germany and a member of RAN Radicalisation Awarness Network. EUISA is an umbrella... [Read more]

Back on Track - Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration Department of the Prison and Probation Service

“Deradicalisation – Back on track” (BOT) was designed to target the growing number of inmates in Danish prisons that are sentenced for... [Read more]

Aarhus Model: Prevention of Radicalisation and Discrimination

Intervention of the Aarhus Model consist of two areas of intervention: General population: Raising awareness to professionals and the... [Read more]

Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation NHS Trust

The organisation is Mental health provider and offers intervention for people presenting with associated mental health problems. The service offers... [Read more]

Allies - Noord-Holland

In response to social unrest related to riots in France, the Danish cartoons and the release of the Geert Wil-ders film Fitna, the Dutch National... [Read more]

Muslimah Matters

A series of facilitated workshops based upon the priorities set by the audience, focussing on the ‘factors for vulnerability’ as developed by... [Read more]

Web constables

Web constables are local police officers who work in the social media. We are in different social media net-works (Facebook,, different... [Read more]

Ethnic Liaison Officers

The aim of the Garda Racial, Intercultural and Diversity Office (GRIDO), and its team of Garda Ethnic Liaison Officers, is to liaise with ethnic... [Read more]


Foresee Research Group uses restorative principles and approaches (dialogue processes and encounters) to prevent escalation of conflict. They work... [Read more]

Second Wave “My City Real World”

Second wave “My City Real World” is a cooperation between a group of Dutch youngsters from the Schil-derswijk and the Dutch community police,... [Read more]

CoCoRa - Community Counteracting Radicalisation

The background and rationale of the CoCoRa project and prevention concept is as follows: All over Europe we see: An increased focus on... [Read more]


NIACRO’s practice is located at the Hate Crime end of the spectrum of radicalisation and violent extremism, and can be evidenced in three... [Read more]

Omagh Support & Self Help Group

The Omagh Support & Self Help Group’s overall aim is: to improve the wellbeing/quality of life for victims of terrorism, to... [Read more]

Monitoring Hate Crime against Roma with mentors

Monitoring and support based on the ability of Roma mentors to approach the Roma victims of hate motivated incidents, to gain their trust and... [Read more]

Rethinking Radicalisation (Community Dialogue)

A tailored programme of activities, providing safe, neutral spaces for local authorities and the communities they serve to enter into dialogue and... [Read more]

Transformative Dialogue Circles

Through facilitated dialogue circles people from different backgrounds (such as former members of paramilitary organisations or young people at... [Read more]

The peaceable school and neighbourhood

The Peaceable School is a whole-school approach for elementary schools. It aims at the school becoming a democratic community, in which children... [Read more]


This is a table-top exercise centred on a hypothetical counter terrorism scenario which stimulates debate around the sensitive subject of... [Read more]


Delta is a community multi-media exercise developed by Somali community groups for the Somali community in the United Kingdom. Delta follows Saeed,... [Read more]


This is a DVD table-top exercise which aims to break down barriers between the police and Muslim communities by providing an understanding of how... [Read more]


This is a 30 minute thought provoking DVD produced by the UK Southwest Counter Terrorism Unit. Conviction is designed for first line staff from... [Read more]


Pathways is a DVD based drama which aims to explore extremist narratives from different perspectives. Interweaving characters from the same... [Read more]

Acceptance-based youth work with right wing youth groups

The target group of the de-radicalisation work is, on the one hand, the youth labelled as extreme right/radical right-wing and/or who distinguish... [Read more]

To Prevent is Better than to Cure

Making visible and strengthen the role of mosques in preventing radicalisation and polarisation by building communal social (and - indirect -... [Read more]

HelsinkiMissio, Aggredi

HelsinkiMissio is a non-governmental organisation for social services that was founded in 1883. HelsinkiMissio’s Aggredi programme, which was... [Read more]

The RecoRa Institute - Sweden, The Netherlands, UK

The RecoRa Institute (RecoRa) is a partnership of organisations and individuals from Sweden, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom. It works on a... [Read more]


“Tarjama (TA)” is a non-governmental organisation/community initiative that works in religious education, community work and prevention in... [Read more]

Never Again Association

Never Again Association (NA) is an NGO that works in awareness raising, research, monitoring of racist and hate crime incidents and, on some recent... [Read more]

Violence Prevention Network e.V.

Violence Prevention Network is an NGO that works both in prevention and first-line deradicalisation with (young) people that are susceptible to... [Read more]

Security and Crisis Centre by the European Jewish Congress

Faith communities working together - The terrorist attacks in New Zealand and Sri Lanka happened beyond Europe but they serve to remind us that the... [Read more]