Steunpunt Sabr (the Arabic word for ‘patience’) is a women’s organisation that is situated in the neighbourhood Schilderswijk (The Hague),...
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Since autumn 2012, the newest team at VAJA e.V. – called “Kitab - Beratung von Eltern, Angehörige und Betroffene in der Auseinandersetzung mit...
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The intention of Family Counselling is to support parents of “foreign fighters” or youths at risk to be radicalised and guide them in their...
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This helpline is an initiative and a realisation of the vision of the Alliance of Moroccan Dutch (SMN) on the prevention of radicalisation. The SMN...
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The Extremism Information centre is a nationwide contact point for parents, teachers, social workers or any other person seeking advice concerning...
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The WomEx practice emerged out of the observations:
there is hardly any violent extremist, terrorist, or hate crime offender that does not...
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Through a special coaching programme with imprisoned parents we intend to prevent the tendency to right wing radicalisation in their kids.
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The nationwide Institute for right-wing extremism and family is a counselling office for parents whose children are in a right-wing extremism...
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SAVE’s experiences and extensive interviews show that violent extremists undergo a process of radicalisation that others, most significantly...
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Survivors for Peace provides victims of political violence and terrorism with a virtual and real peer support network with dedicated officers to...
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HAYAT (Turkish and Arabic for “Life“) is the first German counselling program for persons involved in radical Salafist groups or on the path of...
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Women Building Peace is a radicalisation-aware and conflict-sensitive training programme, supporting marginalised women to become more active...
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