The Abdullah X aims to provide innovative and robust animated/multimedia content to build resistance to extremist narrative and the allure of...
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Our approach consists of three elements, each focusing on one aspect of the issue of radicalisation in Slovak society: first-line practitioners and...
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Peer 2 Peer (P2P): Challenging Extremism is a global university youth initiative and international competition that uses the power of student...
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Donate the hate, turning hate-comments into involuntary donations for refugees and against the far right. The internet is currently overflowing...
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Using intelligent counter narratives to challenge extremism (for instance the #wearethemany hashtag online). Empowering communities to challenge...
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Right-wing extremism still constitutes a significant problem in Germany. The scene has more than 25,000 members - and this figure is on the rise....
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Muslim-Jewish Dialogue – prevention, deconstruction of anti-Semite ideology as part of “Islamist” ideology is a project of regular meetings...
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The extreme right uses the Internet and especially the new Social Media tools very efficiently to spread its ideology and worldview. The far right...
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The was created to fight radicalisation by promoting an open dialogue between victims of terrorism and the rest of the society. In this...
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The project focuses on on-going discussions among Muslim youngsters on Facebook and aims at providing alternative perspectives and background...
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Terrorist recruiters are successful because their ideologies and actions resonate with youth when they are most vulnerable. At a time with they...
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Against Violent Extremism (AVE) is a network that aims to provide a platform for former violent extremists and survivors of violence to connect...
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