Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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Communication and anti-rumour campaigns

Best practice

Anti-rumour agents trained in Amadora’s school

In the framework of the Communication for Integration (C4i) project, the city of Amadora (Portugal) has been implementing a communication campaign... [Read more]

Promoting "expression through art" and “positive dialogue”

As part of the campaign “Do not Feed the Rumor!” launched by Amadora’s City Council in September 2014, the city has set up a kite contest for... [Read more]

Anti-Rumors Campaign: dispelling myths about migrants

The aims of the ‘Anti-Rumors Campaign: dispelling myths about migrants’ are: • Disseminate more and better information to the people of... [Read more]

Local Plan for Immigrant Integration

In order to express his commitment to the local people and to inject a sense of urgency into public officials, the Mayor of Lisbon Antonio Costa... [Read more]

Promoting a positive image of migrants and minorities in the media

Bergen monitors the way in which minorities are portrayed in the local media. Occasionally, the municipality promotes a positive image of migrants... [Read more]

Utekontaketen and Samarbeidsråd for tros- golivssynssamfunn

Bergen has introduced many initiatives to achieve its mediation and conflict resolution policy objectives. The city has set up a generalist... [Read more]

“Good Daughters – good Sons”: getting young people to understand

There is little to suggest that Neukölln is a place with immediate inter-ethnic tensions. However, there is great concern that violence is... [Read more]

Anti-Rumour Web Application

The main metaphor used in the Bilbao communication campaign is the umbrella as a defence against rumours, that fall from the sky. It has developed... [Read more]

Rumours in Botkyrka – a study of common rumours which harm an intercultural Botkyrka

The spreading of rumours is a central feature of the mechanisms which exclude and stigmatise marginalized groups in the society. The Multicultural... [Read more]

Anti-rumours cafés

In Botkyrka, Sweeden, anti-rumours cafés have been set up in libraries as a public platform to discuss and explore rumours and prejudices.... [Read more]

Erlangen, Germany - Anti-rumour Picnic Banquet

To launch the C4i Communication für Vielfalt (Communication for Diversity) campaign, the city of Erlangen built a banquet table over 180 meters in... [Read more]

Having Faith in Lewisham

Traditionally the Council have only needed this if there is a direct effect on a service (ie the use or misuse of a building). In the past the... [Read more]

Media in Oslo: responsible and intercultural

The city has an internet service, called “Cultural diversity in the media” informing on concerts, exhibitions and festivals organized by... [Read more]

OXLO Business Charter was launched at the Oslo 2013 Global Mobility Forum, by Hallstein Bjercke, Vice

OXLO Business Charter was launched at the Oslo 2013 Global Mobility Forum, by Hallstein Bjercke, Vice Mayor for Cultural Affairs and Business... [Read more]

SONETOR Seminar - Contribution of intercultural mediators to the social inclusion of migrants

The European project SONETOR is the first systematic effort internationally to design services that meet the professional needs of intercultural... [Read more]

Centro per la Mediazioni dei Conflitti

This is undoubtedly one of Reggio Emilia’s great strengths and it surely has much to teach all other cities in the IC network on this. The Centro... [Read more]

The "Fraile for All”project

El Fraile is a small town in the municipality of Arona in South Tenerife with a population of just over 7000 inhabitants. The neighbourhood is... [Read more]

Building public space through dialogue and personal exchange

Value common spaces of interaction where the social use of Catalan is fostered through experience and personal exchanges: Incorporate those... [Read more]

Barcelona- intercultural city

The intercultural plan has been passed by the city parliament. There is a Policy responsible for Intercultural dialogue. A Mayor's... [Read more]

Promoting intercultural mixing in public libraries, museums and art initiatives

Bergen has implemented several public spaces policy instruments. The local government promotes intercultural mixing in public libraries, museums... [Read more]

Implementing public policies to take advantage of diversity

Bergen’s local authority has implemented several good governance policies. The City passed its first comprehensive action plan for integration,... [Read more]

Karl-Marx Strasse – “Young, Colourful, Successful”

Action! Karl-Marx-Straße – ‘Young, Colourful, Successful’ is an ambitious €10 million urban regeneration programme for the main street in... [Read more]

Have a Say in Neukölln! – Nachbarschaftsheim Neukölln

Neukölln is a borough located in the southeast of Berlin; it is characterized by having one of the highest percentages of immigrants in Berlin. In... [Read more]

Asserting the diversity advantage

The city of Copenhagen has raises awareness of diversity advantage at several levels: They demonstrate to public opinion that there are a lot of... [Read more]

Dublin fights racism and discrimination in public transport

Dublin City Council in partnership with Immigrant Council of Ireland, the Equality Authority of Ireland and partners in public transport launched a... [Read more]

Lewisham “Young Mayor” project

Young people were taken to different parts of the borough they didn’t know to interview others so they could get a deeper understanding of the... [Read more]

Joining the Dots: Promoting Interculturalism Through Seed Funding and Strategic Engagement – Case Study of Immigrant Council of Ireland’s Partnership with Dublin City Council and Public Tr

This opinion piece focuses on a strategic partnership involving public transport companies operating in the greater Dublin area, a local authority... [Read more]

The Big Society: making things happen by encouraging active citizenship

Whilst the Coalition government is trying to introduce a new concept of governance across the UK call The Big Society, Lewisham likes to argue that... [Read more]

NEUCHÀTOI 2013: Cultural Interaction To Overcome Cultural Barriers

Following its success in 2006 and 2009, NEUCHÀTOI is taking place again in 2013 to promote diversity in public areas and the positive image of a... [Read more]

Neighborhood Pact: mutual obligations for the city and citizens

There is a strong political will and commitment to addressing issues for both indigenous and migrant communities. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor see... [Read more]

Ombudsman institution at a local level

The city has formally adopted a public statement that it is an intercultural city, as well as forming an intercultural strategy and action plan... [Read more]

Office for Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities

Through the Office for Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities (GIME), the municipality of Setubal develop an inclusive and transversal approach to... [Read more]

Together in the same direction

In 2009 started the Together in the same direction, which marked a before and after in the commitment and action of the Cabildo regarding... [Read more]

The House of the World: meeting place for new people and ideas

From the report provided by the city, we experience that Dutch people often stay at home, in their own garden. In the culture of migrant families... [Read more]