Organising intercultural and interreligious activities

A toolkit for local authorities


Social Inclusion Committee

Maren Lambrecht-Feigl

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IC Thinking

Researchers from the University of Cambridge (Savage, Boyd-MacMillan, Liht) have developed the theory, application and assessment for IC interventions. Social, emotional, political pressures can lead to ‘tunnel vision’ – an over- simplification in values, thinking, and identity that makes young people vulnerable to the black and white thinking of extremists. IC interventions leverage a change in mind-set through broadening values, thinking, and social identity complexity through action-learning, group exercises, and multi-media materials. Courses are usually 16 contact hours, delivered flexibly as required, led by a trained facilitator, involve multi-media and experiential and group learning.

The intervention is tested for effectiveness via measuring integrative complexity (IC) pre and post course delivery. 5 years of strong cross-cultural empirical findings show increased critical, complex thinking post intervention, predicting a reduction in and prevention of extremism and inter-group conflict. For example, Being Muslim Being British explores hot issues facing young Muslims today through DVDs, booklets and facilitator-led group activities. The aim of the course is to enable young people to think in a new way – with higher levels of Integrative Complexity (IC for short). IC is a core life skill for all people living in multi-cultural Britain today.

IC is fun to learn through group activities and DVDs. IC means participants remain committed to their own values and faith, yet become able to engage with other views to find common values and win/win solutions and to appreciate the best aspects of different viewpoints.

IC involves:

  • Knowing your own mind, your own values and beliefs
  • Branching out in your thinking so that you actively listen to other viewpoints
  • Weaving together the best of different viewpoints into win/win solutions concerning complex life issues.

The core framework of the course is based on cognitive psychology, social psychology and social neuroscience. We have worked collaboratively with a wide range of Muslim leaders to develop the Being Muslim Being British course, and we continue to invite feedback from Muslim leaders representing the array of theological positions present in Islam today. The course is theologically friendly, without being theologically driven.

Contact details:

IC Thinking (Cambridge) Ltd
17, Sydenham Rd
London, SE26 5EX United Kingdom

Dr. Sara Savage
Tel: (+44) (0)7948 329732