A toolkit for local authorities
Social Inclusion Committee
Maren Lambrecht-Feigl
Mail : maren.lambrecht@coe.int
The WomEx practice emerged out of the observations:
For example, practitioners have recurrently found that violently extremist young men compensate insecurities in their sense of male identity and manliness by acting-out in hateful ways against women, homosexuals, and generally all persons that by appearance or behaviour confuse their restrictive gender role order. Moreover, women that are active in extremism overwhelmingly tend to agree to and actively reconfirm such restrictive gender roles. They thus share the sexist and homophobic attitudes and draw motivation from them for their activities, while they, at the same time, enjoy an empowerment impulse from their newly gained opportunities of extremist engagement and activities (e.g. serving as ideological supporter, providing internal social cohesion, helping to prepare attacks, also committing hate crimes and terrorist attacks themselves sometime).
Contact details:
Cultures Interactive e.V.
Mainzer Str. 11
12053 Berlin
Silke Baer
Email: baer@cultures-interactive.de
Anika Posselius
Email: posselius@cultures-interactive.de
Harald Weilnböck
Email: weilnboeck@cultures-interactive.de
Tel: (+49) 30 60401950
Tel: (+49) 30 76236862